Some Practice with Rational Functions
This is my first attempt at fading things in and out between's a little tricky. I know I need to make the images bigger, and I'll be adding some narration in the future. Any other ideas?
To infinity and beyond...Buzz Lightyear
This is my first attempt at fading things in and out between's a little tricky. I know I need to make the images bigger, and I'll be adding some narration in the future. Any other ideas?
Posted by
Mr. A
Labels: Pre-Calc 11 to save you some 'google' time I found a quick list of uses of radiation along with a brief description too...
In case you're curious, this LINK may prove interesting study material. I'm wishing I had found it earlier (sigh).
Study hard.
Posted by
Mr. A
Labels: Physics 12
This link will take you to some practice exams posted for New York State. Many of the questions are similar, but there are differences in our curricula so not all of the questions you find here will apply to us; nor will the questions you find, be an exhaustive list of what you'll be asked to do.
To find questions on magnetism you'll need to look at the older exams.
Posted by
Mr. A
Labels: Physics 12
Today we discussed how a mind map (converted to an outline) can help us organize information. When information is organized it's easier to find at times like tests and quizzes.
We also practiced finding the areas of compound shapes and practiced showing our work to 'communicate what we understand'.
Posted by
Mr. A
Labels: Math 9