Friday, May 30, 2008

The Cosine Ratio

We reviewed our previous work with trigonometry so far this morning, and then took a look at our third and final ratio-the Cosine.

Pictured below are some notes courtesy of H-Thanks. If you have any questions be sure to comment. On Monday we will take up your assignment (pg 244 #1-34) and we'll mark the trig review. Maybe a quiz on Tuesday...

Have a great weekend.

Rational Inequalities

Today we reviewed how to solve Quadratic Inequalities and worked on some examples of Rational Inequalities. I also introduced the Absolute Value Inequalities. The note at the bottom of page 79 is helpful, but if you get lost with these just remember to 'split the inequality' and check the 'regions of the x-axis' as you have with quadratics and rationals.

On Monday I will be quizzing homework on Linear, Quadratic, and Rational Inequalities. We will skip lesson 10 and test the rest on Wednesday, June the 4th. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A heavy quiz day...non-linear systems

We started today by marking yesterday's quiz on three variable systems. I explained how important it was to explain your steps, and many of you scored well due to doing just that. It was nice to see. We then wrote a quiz on non-linear systems and spent much of the class going over that. I can't emphasize enough the need to start these questions off with a sketch of the system so that you know how many solutions you're looking for. If you explain your steps along the way you get to demonstrate that you understand the process of solving these sometimes complicated systems even though you may have made a simple error (like dropping a negative). With the time we had left I demonstrated how to graph linear inequalities. Please make sure to finish that up for tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Permutations again!?!

Today we discussed more in depth the probabilities associated with counting problems. That means that we look at a counting problem, then consider a probability sort of question. It's important to remember here the definition of probability and use it for part marks.

Specifically you want to make sure you calculate the total number of possible outcomes (which will be the easier of the counting problems) for part marks. Be sure to take a look at the examples and give the assignment a try. We'll discuss any problems you have tomorrow.

History today....

Today we marked some old worksheets to review events just prior and just after confederation. We reviewed the notes we took last Thursday and reflected on some of the world events during the early 1930's. Tomorrow we'll likely discuss and establish the criteria for your next project.

Welcome Back from the weekend...

We had a quiz on lesson 6.5 today. My hope is that by marking it together in class we had a chance to do some review for our upcoming test on Monday next week. Please make sure you get some homework done tonight on 6.7 (non-linear systems) as I'll be quizzing that tomorrow. Good luck and bring any questions you may have to class tomorrow.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Quadratic Quadratic Systems...

Today we took some more time with Lesson 7. As many of you found out it requires you to be really comfortable with the previous topic of the quadratic formula. Please make sure you complete as much of your homework as possible this weekend as we will be having a quiz on Tuesday. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Chapter 5 Test Day!

Good luck with your tests...

Applications of Systems of Linear Equations

Another homework quiz today took up much of our class. But as we marked it together and discussed part marks I felt as though we are understanding the process of solving linear equations just based on how easily we were able to discuss each of the steps. We'll be having a few more of those in the days to come as well.

One of the questions on our quiz today was a word prolem requiring you to determine the linear equations yourselves. Today's lesson (#6) consists entirely of these problems. What's important to remember here is the difference between being able to solve a system of linear equations and being able to determine the equations described in the problem. Be sure to take a look at the assignment tonight so that we can see how you're doing with the new skill.

The link above (when you click the title) will take you to a solver program that will let you enter your equations and find a solution immediately. I might try this site for making up some new questions! Good luck.

Monday, May 12, 2008


We started module 7 today. 'L' shared some of what he already knew of probability and we looked at our first porbability law in lesson 2. Finish lesson 1 and complete as much of 2 as you can.

History 11

Today we took a look at developments in Canada up to 1929. Of note was the foreign investment of money from the United States into harvesting Quebec resources, The "Alberta Five" getting women recognized as persons under the law, the subsequent appointment of a women to the senate, the formation of the Progressive political party, and the Winnipeg General Strike.

Be prepared for a quiz sometime this week.

Chapter 5 Review.

Today we took a look at some of the skills we covered in chapter 5. Together we review the four operations on Rational Expressions, simplified and expanded expression, and reviewed the three types of factoring we learned.

Tomorrow is our test on chapter 5, so be sure to study a bit tonight just to make sure you remember everything.

Systems of Linear Equations (part 2)

Today we had a short quiz on the equations of circles and our new distance formula. We reviewed how to complete the square to find the center and radius of a circle on the cartesian plane. I demonstrated how to complete a question such as number six from lesson three, and then moved on to discuss the homework.

I demonstrated number four (b) from lesson 5, and gave some tips for number 5 from the same lesson. We'll be quizzing a couple of times this week so be sure to ask questions as they come up.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Module 5 notes


...and today's...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Header Graphic:
