Thursday, January 15, 2009

Physics 12 Exam tomorrow

Apparently the weather is supposed to warm up and I'm guessing that it'll be business as usual tomorrow. This means for you that you will have your exam tomorrow as planned. I've seen many of you already, but for those I haven't the link above will take you to the key for another practice exam.

Good luck. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Today we discussed two types of orbit. Circular orbits (involving satellites around a planet), and elliptical orbits (planets around the sun).

For circular orbits we can equate centripetal force with the force due to gravity to arrive at a formula for orbital velocity:

While for planetary orbits we looked at Kepler's Laws.

I also gave you an old exam to study from so please use your time well this week since our exam is only a week this Friday away.

Header Graphic:
