Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Electric Fields

I was reading through section 13.7 and decided that it goes a little further than grade 11 requires. That means that we're at the end of the chapter and need to schedule a test. Given that I'm not back until Monday I'm thinking that the earliest will be Wednesday next week, perhaps Thursday. If you have other ideas or concerns email me before the weekend.

I liked how our 'make your own quiz' project went so I'd like to try it again. This time we'll take a little more time to make it a bit more of a finished product. For today and tomorrow I want you to make sure that your homework is finished...all of it. Then make up some questions for the chapter. We haven't talked about 13.5 at all so read that and we'll review it Monday.

I'd like at least one question for each section. That makes the total seven. I realize that for 13.1 and 13.2 there isn't much to ask about, but if you read the sections there might be something that "sparks" your interest. Be creative. If not, make a question that requires you to know something from those sections. For section 13.3 I'd suggest page 530 Table 13.1. Read about how to use a table of electrostatic strengths and make a question from that. If you're having difficulty try either the internet, email me, or wait until Monday and I'll work with you then.

The other sections should be fairly easy to make some questions on. Use the examples as a guide if you get stuck.

As before, please write up an answer key with solutions on a separate sheet with comments on your process of how to solve them. I'd like these in draft form for Monday, along with your completed homework. Monday we'll trade papers and try out each other's quiz (which is why it's really important to have these in a workable form for Monday).

Did I mention that Monday was the due date for having all of your homework and a working draft of your quiz? Have a great weekend and please be careful on the roads.

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