Monday, September 24, 2007

Using Equations to Solve Problems

Today in Physics we tried to further develop our skill when converting a d-t graph to a v-t graph. We'll continue to work on that tomorrow. We also started using the formulas we wrote down last week.

I wanted to emphasize the importance of following the problem solving procedure. So I'll list it again.

  1. State the formula (if you use the wrong one we'll find out in the next few steps-plus it tells me what I need to review with you)
  2. List the givens in the problem (this step shows me that you know what the variables represent and that you read and understood the problem).
  3. Substitute the values into the formula (show this step...don't just say you did it on your calculator)
  4. Calculuate your answer.

When you follow these steps when solving problems I'll be able to give you marks for the parts you get right, but I'll also be better able to identify how to help you. Finish your homework tonight (1-4 pages 64 & 65) and I'll see you tomorrow in class.

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