Thursday, November 22, 2007

Parent Teacher Interviews

I'd just like to take a moment to thank the parents who came in last night to see me. It's nice to be able to discuss your childrens' progress and get feedback on how things are going. It's unfortunate that I'm unable to be at the school today, but I'd like to let everyone know that you don't have to wait for parent teacher interviews to discuss your children's progress. If you like you can always e-mail me, or call the school (328-5364).

It was nice to hear that some of you are checking the blog from time to time to catch up on notes, examples, or the day's assignments. That was good to know and has motivated me to post more frequently. If you do happen to 'drop by,' leave a quick comment if you could to let me know if what I posted was helpful or not. That way I'll know what is helpful, or what I can do to improve. After all, we're never too old or experienced to learn something new.

Thanks again, stay in touch, and good luck in the second half of our semester.

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