Monday, November 26, 2007

Room 6 Today

PHYSICS 12: We did a little planning for the remainder of the semester today and discovered that we have about as many days as topics left to cover. Although time will seem a little tight, we will get through everything. I would like to emphasize that if there is a topic you struggle with get some extra help immediately because we'll be moving on quickly. We decided then that tomorrow we would test Chapter 9, and aim for a test on Chapter 13 December 7.

TRANS MATH 9: Please make sure the worksheet on section 1.12 is ready for next class. I would also like to mark and discuss the word problems on 1.6.

PRE-CALC 10: We wrote the module 4 test today. I'm hoping to get those back to you as soon as possible; perhaps near the end of this week. Tomorrow we'll start Module 5.

PHYSICS 11: We discussed last week's wave demonstration and placed variables to represent it's properties. When you replace the 'distance' between crests with a new symbol (lamda) you get the wave equation. Tomorrow we'll take up your questions from #29, 30, 31, 37, & 38. Don't forget to check out our calendar in class...I've done some planning.

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