Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Room 6-December 13

Hello everyone.

Again I find myself posting my lessons to the blog using Teacher Tube and WizIQ. Useful tools when you need them. I've given links below to quickly find the information you will need today. Having the information is one thing, and being able to use the information is quite another. Since I can't be there to see your faces and listen to your discussions I have no way of knowing what information is working for you and what isn't. Teaching requires a two way flow of information. It starts with me giving you notes, examples, and some practice quesions. You then need to tell me what is or isn't working. As with any lesson I stress the importance of you asking questions when they occur to you. Today is no different. Please make sure you use some of your time today to leave a comment on the blog (any volunteers?) to leave me a list of questions I can help you with. I will post explanations as soon as I can. Good luck, and be nice to Mrs. Lepp today.

PS: Wish her a Merry Christmas for me.

PHYSICS 12: Power in Electric Circuits You'll be pleased with this topic I hope. The formulas are really easy.

MATH 9: Good Luck with your Test today...if you're nice Mrs. Lepp might even give you some help if you need it. Be sure to get started on your new sheet for next week. Some of the questions will be new and some you can do. I'll need you to try everything for next Monday so that I can explain our new topics to you efficiently.

PRE-CALC 10: Reducing Rational Expressions This is a small variation on the old idea of reducing fractions. We build on it by limiting what numbers 'x' can be equal to by defining something called a Domain. I know some of you will be struggling with some of the factoring we covered yesterday so be sure to post a comment with the list of questions you have.

PHYSICS 11: Ohm's Law Today will be a lot of note taking and some new ideas. Be sure to try the questions I have assigned and list the questions you have. I know there'll be a few.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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