Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ah...there's no place like...home?

So my blogging efforts have been sporatic at times over the last year and for those who may be following my progress (by choice or becasue I'm always asking questions) I've arrived back at Blogger...with a new blog (it does some pretty neat things behind the scenes-if you're considering one I highly recommend the new Blogger). I used an analogy of moving to a new house the last time I switched, this move is analogous to finding a better location.

So I haven't quite unpacked everything yet like useful links for math and physics help, but I am already looking for contributors. If you have an interest in things mathematical or scientific let me know. Even if you simply have a good math or science story you could write a guest article. This was never intended to be all about me anyway...(I heard the collective sigh of relief).

For now I'm trying out a new design (the space theme thing...seemed different), if you have some ideas about this send them along. I'm looking for images to brighten the place up a bit so if you have some send them in.

Continue to check in from time to time...I'll hopefully be 'unpacked' soon and adding some new stuff shortly.

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