Monday, April 30, 2007

April 30 to May 4

Apparently it's harder to edit images than I had originally thought and so here it is Monday morning, I've got the plan, but no expertise in placing it in pretty pictures for you. The homework cube denined once again. Please consider this an invitation however to participate. If you have some expertise in manipulating images, please drop by and show me how, or if you'd could be the 'Image Editor' for our blog. So without further ado...the PLAN for the WEEK.

Math 9

  • Monday-5.7 quiz: 5.8: pg 201 #1-58 (evens or odds...I'm not sure yet)
  • Tuesday-MM#14; 5.9: Pg 203 #10-48
  • Wednesday-MM#15; 5.10: Pg 205 #1-39 (practice makes perfect-especially in this chapter)
  • Thursday-MM#16; Quiz 5.10; Begin chapter review pg 212: all
  • Friday-MM#17; 5.11: Pg 208 #1-40

Pre-Calc 11 (we're going to do mental math every day this week)

  • Monday: Lesson 2
  • Tuesday: Lesson 3
  • Wednesday: Lesson 4
  • Thursday: Lesson 5 (quiz up to lesson 4)
  • Friday: Lesson 6

Physics 12

  • Monday: 9.5
  • Tuesday: 9.6 (Quiz)
  • Wednesday: 9.7
  • Thursday: 9.8/9.9(Quiz)
  • Friday: Chapter 9 Review (Test Monday)

As always these may change as the week progresses, but it will give you an idea of where we want to be by Friday.

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