Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23-27

With midterm exams and report cards finished with we're now on the long backstretch to finals. There is still a lot left to cover as well, so here we go!

Physics 12

  • Monday-8.4: Conservation of momentum in two dimensions.
  • Tuesday-Review of Chatper 8
  • Wednesday-Test Chapter 8 (I'll postpone this until Friday if the class feels it'd be better for them, but we'll start Chapter 9 here then)
  • Thursday-9.2 & 9.3: Work and Power.
  • Friday-9.4 & 9.5: Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy.

Pre-Calculus 11

  • Monday-Review previous lessons & introduce Polygons
  • Tuesday-Review
  • Wednesday-Review
  • Thursday-Test Module 4
  • Friday-Begin Module 5

Math 9

  • Monday-5.6: Factoring Trinomials
  • Tuesday-5.7: Special Product
  • Wednesday-5.8: Factoring a Difference of Squares
  • Thursday-5.9: Perfect Squares
  • Friday-5.10: Products of Polynomials (test comming up next week)

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