Sunday, December 16, 2007

December 16-Room 6

Day 3: The time has been long and I hope you are finding the lessons I leave here helpful. I haven't had as many questions as I'm used to hearing so I'm thinking that some of you are waiting for me to get back. Please make sure you don't wait too long though. We'll be quizzing things very soon to wrap things up before the holidays so be sure to budget at least one or two lunch breaks if you have been holding on to your questions.

PHYSICS 12: Today is a big lesson. We're looking at a few new ideas today and I know that there will be quesitons on this one tomorrow. Be sure to try as many as you can, and if you're behind at all and you get stuck use your time today to at least get caught up.

PRE-CALC 10: Fractions again! The rational expressions just continue to get more demanding today as we learn how to use our fractions rules to add and subtract them. Toss in some factoring as well and there is a lot of room for mistakes. Don't get discouraged though. If you show your work I can always find the many things you're doing right.

Some answers to questions from lesson 2 are here as well.

PHYSICS 11: Power and the Cost of Electricity. Since I haven't heard from anyone I'm guessing that things are going well. If you haven't done the Power lesson yet (14.8) please do so and then continue on to 14.9.

I'll see everyone tomorrow.

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