Friday, December 14, 2007

Room 6-Dec 14

Hello everyone.

I hope the dance (and your homework) went well last night. Today will be similar to yesterday. Thank you for your questions. I will get to them as soon as I can (likely in the morning-it's quite late now).

PHYSICS: 15.4-Electromagnetism I hope all went well yesterday. I'm not sure if link will be of much help as this topic is easier to demonstrate than explain. The book does do a fair job at it, but use the diagrams it gives you as well.

Trans Math 9: Good luck on your test today. Be sure to work on your handouts over the weekend. When I see you again on Tuesday, we'll look at the questions you had difficulty with and go from there.

Pre-Calc: Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions. I hope yesterday's lesson went OK. Today we're revisiting an old topic-fractions. This time they have variables and need to be factored. The link will hopefully cover most of it. Try your best and post your questions.

Your answer to questions on page 20 are here.

Physics 11: Ohm's law was the topic I posted for yesterday. But I believe you had some fun in the gym yesterday. If not and you're needing something new try Power.

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