Thursday, December 13, 2007

Physics 12- #38b

Ah yes...this one is tricky...that's why it's last.

The trick here is to understand that Resistance is a physical won't change as a result of being connected to a different circuit.

Knowing this, use the new voltage (240V) and the resistance of the Iron (12 ohms), and calculate the power it will use now connected to the new 'circuit' (with voltage now at 240V). This should give you 4800 W (which by the way is the answer to part c-not sure why they didn't ask part c before part b).

Step two will be to use the new power consumption (4800W), with the resistance of the Iron (12 ohms) to calculate the current it draws (I).

Hope this helped. If not let me know and I'll post a video.

We will be skipping 14.9 (whew) and on to chapter 15. If you find yourselves with some time take a quick read of 15.1, 15.2, and 15.3. Perhaps between favorite songs at the dance tonight-right?

Thanks for the question, keep asking them, and we'll start Magnetic Fields tomorrow (I'm aiming for a test next week-chapter 14 and maybe a small part of 15).

Have fun.

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