Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Logo...

I received your comments this morning and I believe I have fixed the logo issue. In the embedded code there is a line or two that puts the logo in and I've found it. Now when I post a 'video', I just have to remember to remove the logo code. Or I'll just avoid the top right hand corner of the screen. Sorry about that.

As for the sound quality I apologise as well. I'll work on that problem next.

Thanks for the feedback.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

December 16-Room 6

Day 3: The time has been long and I hope you are finding the lessons I leave here helpful. I haven't had as many questions as I'm used to hearing so I'm thinking that some of you are waiting for me to get back. Please make sure you don't wait too long though. We'll be quizzing things very soon to wrap things up before the holidays so be sure to budget at least one or two lunch breaks if you have been holding on to your questions.

PHYSICS 12: Today is a big lesson. We're looking at a few new ideas today and I know that there will be quesitons on this one tomorrow. Be sure to try as many as you can, and if you're behind at all and you get stuck use your time today to at least get caught up.

PRE-CALC 10: Fractions again! The rational expressions just continue to get more demanding today as we learn how to use our fractions rules to add and subtract them. Toss in some factoring as well and there is a lot of room for mistakes. Don't get discouraged though. If you show your work I can always find the many things you're doing right.

Some answers to questions from lesson 2 are here as well.

PHYSICS 11: Power and the Cost of Electricity. Since I haven't heard from anyone I'm guessing that things are going well. If you haven't done the Power lesson yet (14.8) please do so and then continue on to 14.9.

I'll see everyone tomorrow.

Adding & Subtracting Rational Expressions

The Cost of Electricity

Magnetic Field Strength

Lesson 2 Help

Hello everyone.

I was checking in on the blog and found that someone had a question or two from lesson 2. Here's some help.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Room 6-Dec 14

Hello everyone.

I hope the dance (and your homework) went well last night. Today will be similar to yesterday. Thank you for your questions. I will get to them as soon as I can (likely in the morning-it's quite late now).

PHYSICS: 15.4-Electromagnetism I hope all went well yesterday. I'm not sure if link will be of much help as this topic is easier to demonstrate than explain. The book does do a fair job at it, but use the diagrams it gives you as well.

Trans Math 9: Good luck on your test today. Be sure to work on your handouts over the weekend. When I see you again on Tuesday, we'll look at the questions you had difficulty with and go from there.

Pre-Calc: Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions. I hope yesterday's lesson went OK. Today we're revisiting an old topic-fractions. This time they have variables and need to be factored. The link will hopefully cover most of it. Try your best and post your questions.

Your answer to questions on page 20 are here.

Physics 11: Ohm's law was the topic I posted for yesterday. But I believe you had some fun in the gym yesterday. If not and you're needing something new try Power.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Power for Grade 11 Physics

Challenges from page 20...

Hey, some of those are tough! I'm glad you made it that far. Well done.

The key to solving a question like h) or i)is to pretend you're factoring it. Using h) as an example:

  • Begin by multiplying 4 and 3 to get 12.
  • Ask yourself what factors of 12 add to equal 'k'.
  • Stop and think, "If 'k' can be equal to anything, then it could be equal to any sum of the factors of 12."
  • List the sums of the factors of 12 as your answer.

One answer could be 4x^2 + 13x +3 since 1 and 12 multiply to 12, but add to 13.

Hope that helped. If not ask me to clairify and I'll post a video explaining it more fully.

Thanks for the question. Have a great weekend.

Electromagnetism-An Introduction

Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions

Physics 12- #38b

Ah yes...this one is tricky...that's why it's last.

The trick here is to understand that Resistance is a physical property...it won't change as a result of being connected to a different circuit.

Knowing this, use the new voltage (240V) and the resistance of the Iron (12 ohms), and calculate the power it will use now connected to the new 'circuit' (with voltage now at 240V). This should give you 4800 W (which by the way is the answer to part c-not sure why they didn't ask part c before part b).

Step two will be to use the new power consumption (4800W), with the resistance of the Iron (12 ohms) to calculate the current it draws (I).

Hope this helped. If not let me know and I'll post a video.

We will be skipping 14.9 (whew) and on to chapter 15. If you find yourselves with some time take a quick read of 15.1, 15.2, and 15.3. Perhaps between favorite songs at the dance tonight-right?

Thanks for the question, keep asking them, and we'll start Magnetic Fields tomorrow (I'm aiming for a test next week-chapter 14 and maybe a small part of 15).

Have fun.

Switching the + and - ...

Hello Brittany (and class):

Thanks for your question.

Is 3(2x-5)(x+3)the same thing as3(2x+5)(x-3)?

Unfortunately the answer is no. If you multiply these expressions out you'll find that they're not equal. If you remember what the 'linear term' is you'll notice that instead of '1x' you'll have '-1x'. Don't be discouraged though. It's a common mistake and almost everyone makes it when they're learning the finer points of factoring trinomials.

Good job in finding the problem though.
Good luck and have fun at the dance.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Room 6-December 13

Hello everyone.

Again I find myself posting my lessons to the blog using Teacher Tube and WizIQ. Useful tools when you need them. I've given links below to quickly find the information you will need today. Having the information is one thing, and being able to use the information is quite another. Since I can't be there to see your faces and listen to your discussions I have no way of knowing what information is working for you and what isn't. Teaching requires a two way flow of information. It starts with me giving you notes, examples, and some practice quesions. You then need to tell me what is or isn't working. As with any lesson I stress the importance of you asking questions when they occur to you. Today is no different. Please make sure you use some of your time today to leave a comment on the blog (any volunteers?) to leave me a list of questions I can help you with. I will post explanations as soon as I can. Good luck, and be nice to Mrs. Lepp today.

PS: Wish her a Merry Christmas for me.

PHYSICS 12: Power in Electric Circuits You'll be pleased with this topic I hope. The formulas are really easy.

MATH 9: Good Luck with your Test today...if you're nice Mrs. Lepp might even give you some help if you need it. Be sure to get started on your new sheet for next week. Some of the questions will be new and some you can do. I'll need you to try everything for next Monday so that I can explain our new topics to you efficiently.

PRE-CALC 10: Reducing Rational Expressions This is a small variation on the old idea of reducing fractions. We build on it by limiting what numbers 'x' can be equal to by defining something called a Domain. I know some of you will be struggling with some of the factoring we covered yesterday so be sure to post a comment with the list of questions you have.

PHYSICS 11: Ohm's Law Today will be a lot of note taking and some new ideas. Be sure to try the questions I have assigned and list the questions you have. I know there'll be a few.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Reducing Rational Expressions

Physics 12-Power in Electric Circuits

Resistance & Circuits

Current electricity for Grade 11

Monday, December 10, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Header Graphic: http://ann-s-thesia.com
