Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Room 6 (yesterday the 9th)

PHYSICS 12: Today we took a long look at Monday's homework and worked through many examples. Lenz's Law can be straight forward with some practice. We touched on the relationship between wrappings on transformers and I asked that you complete #21-29 from 16.4. We'll discuss those tomorrow, have a little quiz, and get ready for our Chapter 16 test on Friday.

TMATH 9: We marked 2.2, and postponed 2.3 until next time. I also had a new handout for you (an extra copy is here if you need it). We'll be quizzing expressions and like terms beginning on Friday.

PRE-CALC 10: We spent most of our time today looking back at lesson 2 from Module 6. We had our quiz 6.1, discussed questions from 6.2, and briefly looked at 7.2. Between reviewing Module 6 and continuing to move through Module 7 we're all very busy. Please remember that I'm here at noon if you need some help keeping up. Please complete a study guide for lesson #3 for tomorrow.

PHYSICS 11: Today I had you trade your completed study questions with a partner and answer each other's questions. As we quickly found out, it can be a little hard to make questions up and have someone else get the same answer we did. Tomorrow we'll continue our work with this and when we've finished, we'll have a quiz for marks.

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