Monday, January 7, 2008

Some Study Tips...

After some discussion of our respective holidays I noticed that many of your questions and concerns today were around exams. Admittedly so were some of mine. With only three weeks remaining in the semester I would advise all of my students to begin reviewing some of the material covered early in the semester. By doing this sooner rather than later it will allow us better focus our course review as the semester draws to a close.

I'd also like to encourage you to post questions you have on the blog (any article will do, I get an email regardless). This will allow me to answer your specific questions and avoids the rush in the last week. An added bonus is that when I post an explanation it'll be there for as long as you need it. One last suggestion is to pick questions to try that you think I'd include one test or exam. If you need ideas help , or extra questions please see me.

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