Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Today in Room 6

As I've already mentioned much our work will be to finish the semester, but also to prepare for the final. Regular study and completion of homework will be crucial in the remaining three weeks.

PHYSICS 12: Although we had no class today due to your ELA exam some of you came in to discuss how to complete questions #16, 17, & 18. Thank you for using your time as well as you did. Tomorrow we'll push further into Chapter 16 covering sections 3 & 4. If you can, give it a read before morning and we'll make some notes then.

TRANS MATH 9: Today's class reviewed how to evaluate expressions and the concept of variables, constant terms, and like terms. As I mentioned in the notes please complete your handout for next class.

PRE-CALC 10: In today's class we introduced the idea of relations and started our work in Module 7. Please complete your study notes for lesson 2 of Module 6, and the assignment for lesson 1 of Module 7.

PHYSICS 11: We continued work with Coulomb's Law and reviewed some algebra as we rearranged our new formula. After taking up questions #46 and 49 I gave you a new assignment. You need to make up six questions involving Coulomb's Law. Make one question for each variable (F, r, q1, & q2), one question involving ratios (like #46), and the last question needs to involve a neutral third object (like #49). On the back of your question page be sure to include your answers.

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