Friday, November 30, 2007

Physics 12: yesterday's homework and notes

The view from room 6 (yesterday)

As you can see yesterday was a bit busy for me and I didn't get around to posting the I'll do that now.

PHYSICS 12: Yesterday we compared electrostatic fields to gravitational fields and discovered that our new formula (shown above) is similar to Newton's second law (shown below)

I suggested you try some questions from the end of chapter and be ready for a quiz by Tuesday. If you find that you're having difficulty or have some questions leave a comment or email me and I'll post a solution or two to help you along (even if you're in Roblin-good luck by the way; hope it's going well).

TRANS MATH 9: Today will be much the same as yesterday. We marked and took up questions from 1.8; review scientific notation and have a quiz. Today we'll likely fit in some mental math as well.

PRE-CALC 10: Yesterday we didn't seem to have too many questions about lesson 2. I'm guessing that was due to so many of you being at band the day before. Please make sure you get that lesson completed and bring any problems you have to class. We discussed parallelograms yesterday (lesson 3) and worked our way through an example. We also reviewed scale factors as they apply to area and volume calculations before we had our quiz.

PHYSICS 11: Yesterday turned into a review and catch up day for chapter 10 so far. We discussed the index of refraction (at left), and demonstrated refraction using the Ripple tank java applet. I recommend playing with it some (I think it looks pretty good in 3-d). I do want you to do some questions from the end of chapter however and I'll recommend a few. Try #53, 55, 60, 61,66, and 67. If you happen to be reading this from Roblin and having some difficulty you can comment here or email me and I'll post an example or two, or you can ask one of your seniors and they'll likely be able to show you how (again-good luck to you this weekend).

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Module 5: Lesson 2 slides.

The view from room 6 today...

PHYSICS 12: Today we started our work in Chapter 13. The first few sections (1-3) are review of some static electricity that you've learned in previous science classes. Section 4 is a look at Coulomb's Law for electrostatic charges. It's identical in form to Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation with the exception that now we'll have to interpret what a negative force represents (force of attraction between opposite charges). Section five extends these ideas to include vector addition of multiple forces. Essentially we'll be solving the net force statement for multiple charges. Be sure to complete some practice problems from the end of the chapter questions.

TRANS MATH 9: We marked and discussed 1.12 today. I handed out some extra practice pages for Scientific Notation as well. The answers are posted previously in the blog, but they are also hanging on my bulletin board. Make sure you give them a try before our next class since we'll be having a quiz the next time we meet.

PRE-CALC 10: Lesson 2 has some important definitions and I feel that the examples are essential to working out some of the harder questions later in the lesson and in the module so be sure to take a look and ask some questions. I'd like to quiz lesson 1 tomorrow.

PHYSICS 11: We took a look at sections five and six today. Two new formulas are listed there regarding the Index of Refraction and Snell's Law. We'll be quizzing 10.2 again I think, and up to 10.5 Friday or Monday. For the 10.5 quiz you'll be allowed to use the notes you've made so please make sure you finish them up for Friday.

Answers...not always easy to find

Here are the answers to the extra practice sheets on Scientific Notation you asked for. If you are having trouble viewing them for some reason, they are also posted on my bulletin board. Happy studying!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Room 6 Today

PHYSICS 12: We wrote the chapter nine test today and I made sure we were all aware of the upcomming sections to be covered. Chapter 13 will be quick (and with luck, painless).

TRANS MATH 9: We marked worksheet 1.12 today, completed Mental Math #13, and discussed questions we still had about scientific notation. I'm planning a quiz for Thursday.

PRE-CALC 10: After a brief written summary of the Sine Law and Law of Cosines, we worked with scale and reviewed how to calculate distances using a scale. Then we extended the idea to area and then to volume. We worked through the examples of lesson one together and started #1-11 for tomorrow. Quiz on lesson 1 will be Thursday.

PHYSICS 11: Handed back the Chapter 8 tests today and discussed some questions. We then took a look at sections 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5. I'd like you to finish your notes from before and use the same method to make notes on these sections. I'll be quizzing 10.2 tomorrow. Study hard.

Mental Math #13

Monday, November 26, 2007

Room 6 Today

PHYSICS 12: We did a little planning for the remainder of the semester today and discovered that we have about as many days as topics left to cover. Although time will seem a little tight, we will get through everything. I would like to emphasize that if there is a topic you struggle with get some extra help immediately because we'll be moving on quickly. We decided then that tomorrow we would test Chapter 9, and aim for a test on Chapter 13 December 7.

TRANS MATH 9: Please make sure the worksheet on section 1.12 is ready for next class. I would also like to mark and discuss the word problems on 1.6.

PRE-CALC 10: We wrote the module 4 test today. I'm hoping to get those back to you as soon as possible; perhaps near the end of this week. Tomorrow we'll start Module 5.

PHYSICS 11: We discussed last week's wave demonstration and placed variables to represent it's properties. When you replace the 'distance' between crests with a new symbol (lamda) you get the wave equation. Tomorrow we'll take up your questions from #29, 30, 31, 37, & 38. Don't forget to check out our calendar in class...I've done some planning.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Parent Teacher Interviews

I'd just like to take a moment to thank the parents who came in last night to see me. It's nice to be able to discuss your childrens' progress and get feedback on how things are going. It's unfortunate that I'm unable to be at the school today, but I'd like to let everyone know that you don't have to wait for parent teacher interviews to discuss your children's progress. If you like you can always e-mail me, or call the school (328-5364).

It was nice to hear that some of you are checking the blog from time to time to catch up on notes, examples, or the day's assignments. That was good to know and has motivated me to post more frequently. If you do happen to 'drop by,' leave a quick comment if you could to let me know if what I posted was helpful or not. That way I'll know what is helpful, or what I can do to improve. After all, we're never too old or experienced to learn something new.

Thanks again, stay in touch, and good luck in the second half of our semester.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

With an eye on the upcomming weekend

Physics 12

  • Today we discussed the conservation of energy again, but this time trying to better understand the new 'super-formulas' we have been given to work with.

  • The key to working with these is to make sure you understand not just how to use them but when...

  • I hope you will make time to complete some questions numbered 94 and up as I'm planning a quiz for tomorrow on section 9.9.

Trans Math 9

  • Today we looked at how to write very large and very small numbers using scientific notation. We even looked at an example of how to use the exponent rules we've been using to help us with calculations we might see in Physics or Chemistry courses.

Pre-Calc 10

  • In class today we did an example from lesson 3 using regular trig (SOH CAH TOA), and the sine law. Then we did the same question using the Law of Cosines and noticed how much easier it is.

  • We looked at the links in a previous post for calculating values using the law of cosines and a page with a detailed summary of the two laws with some practice questions. Tomorrow I expect that we'll use our time to discuss any difficulties you may be having with the Law of Cosines and we'll write our Module 4 test on Monday the 26th.

Physics 11: Chapter 8 Test.

  • It was good to see so many students in to get some last minute advice today. Remember that you don't have to wait for the day of a test to come and see me about your work. Hope it went well for you.

  • Tomorrow we'll be moving into a new topic.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Law of Cosines...A few points to remember

The above link will take you to a site for practice with the law of cosines. I suggest trying it out with a few questions from your assignment first as a check to see how you're making out with your calculator. This formula can be difficult to work with at first. Then make up a few triangles of your own that require the use of the law of cosines and use the applet to find your answers. This particular topic can require a fair bit of practice, so make up some questions of your own to try.

This link will take you to a page that covers the two Trig laws we've covered so far and explains them in quite a bit of detail. The explanations are followed by some problems that you could try. I suggest drawing the triangles described (an important skill to learn), then try answering them. There are answers at the bottom of the page so that you can check your work.

Happy solving!

The day's events.

  • Pre-Calc; we reviewed previously assigned questions today in preparation for a quiz on lesson 3 today. Be sure to look over the examples in lesson 3
  • Physics 11: we reviewed sane of the questions from the end of the chapter in preparation of ow chapter 8 test tomorrow.

Mental Math Power Point?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Conserving your Momentum

Today we quizzed section 8.3. Since I'm writing this as you're writing the quiz I can only say that I hope it goes well for you. I'd like to remind you again that we have scheduled a test on Chapter 8 for Tuesday. The remainder of today and most likely Monday will be spent on reviewing for Tueday's test. I will want to discuss some of the harder problems on Monday such as #74 to #84 so over the weekend please have a look at these and give them a try (some of them will be on Tuesday's test).

Have a great weekend.


Energy and springs?!?


I don't say that very often, but by the looks of the quizzes you wrote today you're deserving of it. Nicely done. We will need to spend some time on projectile motion but that isn't unusal.

We just stated discussing the conservation of Mechanical energy (9.8) near the end of class. As I tried to show you on the roller coaster as gravitational potential energy decreases, kinetic energy increases and vice versa.

On Monday we'll investigate the differences between elastic and inelastic collisions (though some of us have already discussed this) and complete some examples for section 9.8. Please make sure you have read section 9.8, made some notes, and tried a few questions from the 'the green pages' (maybe the first 5). If you like try this LINK to look at an animated version of what we were talking about today.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Today we discussed what impulse was and how to calculate it. As was discovered there are a great number of questions that can be asked once you understand this 'rearrangement' of Newton's second law. The important thing to remember is that one of my favorite questions is #73 (but we'll save that one for Friday...tomorrow we'll quiz impulse only-no graphs).

Energy...need some?

Our work as of late has been about Work and Energy. The highlight of today involved the notion that when work is done on an object the kinetic or potential energy changes. This allows us to determine the amount of work performed on an object while knowing only of the object's mass, initial and final velocity.

On a complimentary note I thought I'd pass along a short note of congratulations and thanks. When you do your homework, teaching you the next concept is much easier for me.

Although tomorrow is planned to be a work session for sections 9.4, 9.5, and 9.6 I don't recommend not doing some homework tonight as I'm sure there are questions we will need to discuss before Friday's quiz.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Physics 12: Study Guide

Today we discussed my 'favorites' in the chapters we've discussed so far.

  • pg 224: #9, #10
  • pg 225: #11 b or c (w. friction)
  • pg 226: #16-18, 22, 24
  • pg 227: #26, 27
  • pg 114: #19, 29 (case 3), 30 31,32
  • pg 117: #38-40, 47, 51, 52, 55, 59-61
  • pg 153: 48-50

Header Graphic:
