Tuesday, November 20, 2007

With an eye on the upcomming weekend

Physics 12

  • Today we discussed the conservation of energy again, but this time trying to better understand the new 'super-formulas' we have been given to work with.

  • The key to working with these is to make sure you understand not just how to use them but when...

  • I hope you will make time to complete some questions numbered 94 and up as I'm planning a quiz for tomorrow on section 9.9.

Trans Math 9

  • Today we looked at how to write very large and very small numbers using scientific notation. We even looked at an example of how to use the exponent rules we've been using to help us with calculations we might see in Physics or Chemistry courses.

Pre-Calc 10

  • In class today we did an example from lesson 3 using regular trig (SOH CAH TOA), and the sine law. Then we did the same question using the Law of Cosines and noticed how much easier it is.

  • We looked at the links in a previous post for calculating values using the law of cosines and a page with a detailed summary of the two laws with some practice questions. Tomorrow I expect that we'll use our time to discuss any difficulties you may be having with the Law of Cosines and we'll write our Module 4 test on Monday the 26th.

Physics 11: Chapter 8 Test.

  • It was good to see so many students in to get some last minute advice today. Remember that you don't have to wait for the day of a test to come and see me about your work. Hope it went well for you.

  • Tomorrow we'll be moving into a new topic.

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