Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Room 6 Today

PHYSICS 12: We wrote the chapter nine test today and I made sure we were all aware of the upcomming sections to be covered. Chapter 13 will be quick (and with luck, painless).

TRANS MATH 9: We marked worksheet 1.12 today, completed Mental Math #13, and discussed questions we still had about scientific notation. I'm planning a quiz for Thursday.

PRE-CALC 10: After a brief written summary of the Sine Law and Law of Cosines, we worked with scale and reviewed how to calculate distances using a scale. Then we extended the idea to area and then to volume. We worked through the examples of lesson one together and started #1-11 for tomorrow. Quiz on lesson 1 will be Thursday.

PHYSICS 11: Handed back the Chapter 8 tests today and discussed some questions. We then took a look at sections 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5. I'd like you to finish your notes from before and use the same method to make notes on these sections. I'll be quizzing 10.2 tomorrow. Study hard.

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