The view from room 6 (yesterday)
As you can see yesterday was a bit busy for me and I didn't get around to posting the I'll do that now.
PHYSICS 12: Yesterday we compared electrostatic fields to gravitational fields and discovered that our new formula (shown above) is similar to Newton's second law (shown below)

I suggested you try some questions from the end of chapter and be ready for a quiz by Tuesday. If you find that you're having difficulty or have some questions leave a comment or email me and I'll post a solution or two to help you along (even if you're in Roblin-good luck by the way; hope it's going well).
TRANS MATH 9: Today will be much the same as yesterday. We marked and took up questions from 1.8; review scientific notation and have a quiz. Today we'll likely fit in some mental math as well.
PRE-CALC 10: Yesterday we didn't seem to have too many questions about lesson 2. I'm guessing that was due to so many of you being at band the day before. Please make sure you get that lesson completed and bring any problems you have to class. We discussed parallelograms yesterday (lesson 3) and worked our way through an example. We also reviewed scale factors as they apply to area and volume calculations before we had our quiz.
PHYSICS 11: Yesterday turned into a review and catch up day for chapter 10 so far. We discussed the index of refraction
(at left), and demonstrated refraction using the Ripple tank java applet. I recommend playing with it some (I think it looks pretty good in 3-d). I do want you to do some questions from the end of chapter however and I'll recommend a few. Try #53, 55, 60, 61,66, and 67. If you happen to be reading this from Roblin and having some difficulty you can comment here or email me and I'll post an example or two, or you can ask one of your seniors and they'll likely be able to show you how (again-good luck to you this weekend).

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