Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The view from room 6 today...

PHYSICS 12: Today we started our work in Chapter 13. The first few sections (1-3) are review of some static electricity that you've learned in previous science classes. Section 4 is a look at Coulomb's Law for electrostatic charges. It's identical in form to Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation with the exception that now we'll have to interpret what a negative force represents (force of attraction between opposite charges). Section five extends these ideas to include vector addition of multiple forces. Essentially we'll be solving the net force statement for multiple charges. Be sure to complete some practice problems from the end of the chapter questions.

TRANS MATH 9: We marked and discussed 1.12 today. I handed out some extra practice pages for Scientific Notation as well. The answers are posted previously in the blog, but they are also hanging on my bulletin board. Make sure you give them a try before our next class since we'll be having a quiz the next time we meet.

PRE-CALC 10: Lesson 2 has some important definitions and I feel that the examples are essential to working out some of the harder questions later in the lesson and in the module so be sure to take a look and ask some questions. I'd like to quiz lesson 1 tomorrow.

PHYSICS 11: We took a look at sections five and six today. Two new formulas are listed there regarding the Index of Refraction and Snell's Law. We'll be quizzing 10.2 again I think, and up to 10.5 Friday or Monday. For the 10.5 quiz you'll be allowed to use the notes you've made so please make sure you finish them up for Friday.

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