Friday, November 16, 2007

Energy and springs?!?


I don't say that very often, but by the looks of the quizzes you wrote today you're deserving of it. Nicely done. We will need to spend some time on projectile motion but that isn't unusal.

We just stated discussing the conservation of Mechanical energy (9.8) near the end of class. As I tried to show you on the roller coaster as gravitational potential energy decreases, kinetic energy increases and vice versa.

On Monday we'll investigate the differences between elastic and inelastic collisions (though some of us have already discussed this) and complete some examples for section 9.8. Please make sure you have read section 9.8, made some notes, and tried a few questions from the 'the green pages' (maybe the first 5). If you like try this LINK to look at an animated version of what we were talking about today.

Have a great weekend.

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